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About David Eugene Edwards

David Eugene Edwards is an American musician. He is the lead singer of Wovenhand, and also the main songwriter and the principal musician on the recordings of the band. He is the former lead singer of 16 Horsepower. Their music contains elements of old-time, folk, punk, medieval, gypsy, Native American music, and most recently late 1980s and early 1990s Gothic Rock. Lyrically, it deals with pain, conflict, faith, and redemption, with Edwards' personal Christian beliefs influencing much of the lyrical imagery.

Edwards was born in 1968 in Englewood, Colorado, the grandson of a traveling Nazarene preacher. He grew up in the church and often traveled with his grandfather. The music of the church became a major influence on the music he produced as an adult. “The music in church as a kid was always the part of church that really spoke to me, just the words of the music and the music itself. And early on, it was real somber music, just an organ and singing, and singing hymns from the 1600s. That’s pretty much what I do now too. Yeah, that was a big influence, really, and I still love that music — probably it’s my favorite music, really," he told Issue magazine.

His family later attended a Baptist church. Through these experiences, he developed an early and intensely personal relationship with Christianity. "I never felt holy or anything like that. But I knew I was saved. I was saved when I was five years old. And I've never had a doubt since then. It stays with me now. It's all dealt with by the Son. One day, the sun was coming through the window. I was in a basement, and up there at the top the sun was coming through the window. It was morning and the sun was just coming up. And the Lord showed me who he was," he told Cross Rhythms.

Edwards worked in a variety of jobs before becoming a full-time musician, including ditch digger, dishwasher, carpenter and janitor. He did not finish high school.

Edwards, along with Jean-Yves Tola and Pascal Humbert performed on the soundtrack to the Jim White-inspired film Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus, playing the traditional "Wayfarin' Stranger." He also appears in the film, playing a fragment of "Phyllis Ruth," a 16 Horsepower song from 1997's Low Estate.

In 2012, he became a member of Crime & the City Solution. In 2018, Edwards and co-member Alexander Hacke released an album called Risha.

In 2020, Edwards collaborated with Carpenter Brut, a French synthwave artist. They created a song and video called Fab Tool, to which Edwards contributed lyrically as well as vocally.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "David Eugene Edwards", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.

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