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About Crash Test Dummies

Crash Test Dummies are a Canadian rock band from Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Anchored by Brad Roberts and his distinctive bass-baritone voice, the other band members have fluctuated over the years. Its most prominent line-up consisted of Roberts, Ellen Reid , Brad's brother Dan Roberts , Benjamin Darvill , and Mitch Dorge .

The band is widely known internationally for their 1993 single "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" and in Canada for the 1991 single "Superman's Song".

The origin of Crash Test Dummies is tied to the history of two Winnipeg nightspots, the Spectrum Cabaret and the Blue Note Cafe, owned by Curtis Riddell.

In 1986, Riddell joined with Brad Roberts to form the decidedly less-than-serious bar band Bad Brad Roberts and the St. James Rhythm Pigs. Over time, the band evolved into Crash Test Dummies, a name suggested by a friend of the band who was in medical school. The diagnostic mannequin, known colloquially as a crash test dummy, was known to the public already by this time. The band adopted the name as a joke, but nevertheless kept it. Ellen Reid and Benjamin Darvill became permanent additions. George West, the original bass player, quit and was replaced by Dan Roberts, Brad's brother. Riddell was replaced by Vince Lambert, who was replaced by Mitch Dorge just before the release of The Ghosts That Haunt Me.

After signing with BMG Records in 1991, the band signed with manager Jeff Rogers who managed the band until the end of 1999 when he left to become Head of Artist Development at Richard Branson's V2 Records.

The band first began to achieve commercial success in Canada with the release of The Ghosts that Haunt Me in 1991. The album eventually reached sales of 400,000 in Canada, largely due to the popularity of the hit single "Superman's Song", which appeared on the RPM Top Singles chart that year, featured on the soundtrack of an episode of the TV series "Due South" and earned the band the 1992 Juno Award for Group of the Year.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Crash Test Dummies", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.

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